Join Carlos Gonzales for...
"Gas Station & Niche Market Training" in Orlando at POWERCLEAN 2022!!!
Rosen Shingle Creek
POWERCLEAN 2022 Annual Convention
8am-5pm Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Carlos Gonzales has created an in-depth training program that offers clarity and direction to niche market cleaning. His knowledge base does not end "at the pump" - Carlos is a serial entrepreneur and has a unique talent in bringing out the "Entrepreneur DNA" from everyone that attends his trainings!!
You will hear and see the sales and marketing behind niche accounts. We will dive into your systems and pick apart what you have in place. We will implement strategies so that you can begin winning those bids and turn a profit. We will explain why production and performance rate must go hand in hand when servicing multiple locations at a time.
Visit for more information!